Sunday, December 04, 2005

Here are some signs that I should get a Scottish Deerhound (never mind that I was going to get one regardless):

-A Scottish Deerhound named Margot won best of show in the Philadelphia Kennel Club dog show (the one aired on Thanksgiving day).

-The Bennetts owned a Scottish Deerhound in the new movie Pride and Prejudice.

Jon says they look goofy. Even though they are big, they are quite graceful and intelligent, and very devoted to their family. (So there!)

On a side note, this is the kind of dog that Jon wants to get. The Australian Cattle dog, able to survive the harsh climate of Australia. It herds cattle by snapping at their heels, and is quick enough to lay low if they should kick at it. They say that these dogs are extremely intelligent and willful, happiest when they are working. If they do not respect their owners, they can become hard to manage. Jon wants to take it along on hiking trips. I think we can let it herd our goats. :)


d-wain said...

Jon's absolutely right about the deerhound. The Aussie dog is really cool, actually, but definitely an active dog. Are you wanting an indoor dog?

Laura said...

they'll be outside dogs, definitely. More excuses to go hiking. Everytime I see one of those dog backpacks, I can't wait to get them. I think Jon will name his "Mitzpah" and I don't know what I'll name mine, probably something very noble to counter his goofy appearance, like King Alexander or the Earl of Spencer, or something like that.

Dan said...

I lived almost 10 years with a deerhound (he died last summer). My thoughts:
Deerhounds only look goofy in pics, not in person. Deerhounds need to be near people, and can't be happy left outside. (They're actually very good in the house, so long as they've had enough exercise: they just lie down.) They can't be left out without being fenced... sighthounds can break their necks at the end of a chain and, if left loose, will chase something into the next town! They're sprinters, though, and (unlike a herding dog) usually don't like walking more than a few miles. They're built for speed, not pulling or carrying. The biggest problem with owning a single deerhound is giving it enough exercise of the kind it needs: as they get older they get lazy and need to run with/after something. For a while, I used to ride my bike with mine -- at a trot, mostly, with a couple of wild sprints each time out! My deerhound was the greatest dog I've ever had, but they're not for everybody.